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Anti-social media

Anti-social media

I have found it difficult the last few weeks to find a suitable topic to write about. Sometimes, that happens. I wouldn’t really call it “writer’s block,” because, for me, at least, it never seems to last too terribly long. But as we inch closer to November, I have something that is coming to the forefront more and more often.

Thy Speech Bewrayeth Thee

Have you ever been out wandering around say to New York City or the West Coast or virtually any place in or out of the country, and happy to get home you finally arrive at DFW and get on the last leg of your home to Bowie County. You have been listening to English improperly spoken, that is to say the wrong accent all week. And when you get on the plane home from DFW the sweet tones of the East Texas accent are like music to your ears. And of course we don’t have as profound an accent as was once the case. Media have mellowed our once distinctive way of speaking English.


The Pittsburg Gazette

112 Quitman
Pittsburg, TX 75686

Phone: 903-856-6629