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The word “pioneer” conjures up so many images. You instantly think of things like those who made their way west back in the early days of our country. You can see the visions of covered wagons, trail drives and vast fields of buffalo roaming the prairie. You might also think of the early days of our space program, when brave souls crammed themselves into a rocket and first blasted off into space. You might even think of recent events, where new modes of space travel will soon make it possible for the everyday joe to take a ride up into the heavens. To me, the word pioneer is a word full of hope. Pioneers are people who have stretched the limits and boundaries of normal life and braved new worlds. Those who rode those long, dusty paths on horseback and covered wagon were those who were brave enough to meet the challenges of life in a land that was new to them, and hence pave the way for all of those who came after. I mean, literally pave the way by making roads where there were none, blazing a trail across a country that didn’t even exist then.


The Pittsburg Gazette

112 Quitman
Pittsburg, TX 75686

Phone: 903-856-6629