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  • The ties that bind...

The ties that bind...

They say that little ones watch everything you do, because they will follow in your footsteps. What I find surprising is how many times they will follow your footsteps, even if they weren’t around to see you taking those steps.

When I was a little girl, I would spend a week with my grandmother during the summer. During those weeks, I would go to work with my grandmother. Now, my grandmother was the Circuit Clerk for Ouachita County in Arkansas, so “going to work” with her meant I had plenty of time to explore the courthouse, top to bottom.

One thing I remember vividly was my grandmother setting up my own desk in the vault, where I could “work,” like her. I had my own phone, typewriter (this was LONG before the computer age!), a variety of pens, pencils, and white-out, envelopes, and my own roller to wet stamps! Now, to make sure I felt like I was actually “working,” sometimes she would give me a list of addresses and envelopes to address for her, using the typewriter. (I think I learned the zip code for her office before I learned my home zip code!) Those memories of “playing” at the office, where I “worked” for my grandmother have proven to be some of my fondest memories of growing up.

Many times, I have brought my youngest daughter to the office with me, not giving much thought to what she might “learn” while she was there. As I was feverishly typing away on a story, I have glanced up and see a sight that made my heart smile. My daughter had gotten an unused phone, and old, non-working laptop, and was working away. She was “on” the phone, and as soon as she hung up, she went to feverishly typing away on the computer! In that moment, I saw myself, at my “desk” in my grandmother’s office so many years ago. The funny thing is, I had never told my daughter about my setup at my grandmother’s office.

Now, I know that many of you may say that she was simply imitating what she sees me do whenever she is at my office. And you are probably right. But it still goes to prove just how influential our past can be, not only on our futures, but on our children as well. I am not saying that I would not be doing this job had a not spent that time “working” at my grandmother’s office. But I am saying that, to see my daughter do the same thing in MY office, really shows the ties that bind the past, present, and future together.

As summer break sets in, and you find yourself with more time with your children, look around and watch for things that your children may imitate that you did as a child. It may not have anything to do with “working,” but I bet it will help make you more appreciative of your past. In addition, it may give you ways to connect or bond with your child, while perhaps offering a glimpse into their future.

The Pittsburg Gazette

112 Quitman
Pittsburg, TX 75686

Phone: 903-856-6629