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Do You Know?

The Bible says for us to overcome evil by doing good. This is entirely the opposite of what the world teaches. The world teaches that evil does not exist and good is whatever is pleasurable to the senses or deadens it.

The world tells us that the risqué is pleasure, drunkenness is relaxation from pressure, and revenge is ours to perform.

If you want to get a glimpse of heaven, look at it as the opposite of this world. Yep. The pleasures of this world are not in tune with the witness God calls us to exemplify in the world.

God wants us to trust Him and Him alone. It sounds difficult with so many things that we must contend with, rising prices, rumors of wars, and pestilence, but there is an easy way to follow Him all day long. That is, to know His Word, trust His Word, apply His Word, be a doer of His Word, and don’t quit trusting and doing at the first sign of trouble nor in the comfort of your easy chair. Trust God all day long. All the time. Don’t worry about a slip. He’ll forgive you. Just get back with Him quick before the slip turns into a fall. He takes care of falls too.

The world teaches that it is okay to take revenge because nobody has the right to talk to us like that. It’s okay to boast in pride because we have worked hard to have all the material possessions that we display in front of others.

People call good, evil, and evil, good. They may not say so audibly but speak loudly in action. Many people are blinded by the ways of the world and no longer know the difference between good and evil because they have drifted away.

The world teaches that sin is okay. It tells us that we deserve the pleasures of the world now and then just because. Once we give in to this way of thinking, we have stepped into a snare and are caught in a vicious trap of cycling through, repeating repeatedly, doing what we really don’t want to do. We soon find ourselves making excuses for not spending time with the Lord.

What is sin? Sin is anything that separates us from God. Sin is a thing or act that we place first ahead of God. It could be television programming that normalizes anything other than the perfect teachings of God in His word. Sin can be the acceptance of world news as being the whole truth and nothing but the truth. World news spreads hate that exists and draws Christians to have opinions that are not God’s opinions.

People are captivated by the sparkle and shine of the world that leads to death. The opposite of death is life more abundant in the name of Jesus. Trust God. Know His Word. Do His Word and be saved from the world.

Cary John Efurd born in 1953 to John Hart and Sandra Efurd, founded Cary John Efurd Ministries (501c3) in October 2021. His book Road to Recovery / To L and Back, published in May 2021 can be purchased at, Smith Furniture, Treasured Moments (Pittsburg), and Lonestar Shed in Mt. Pleasant or by request at, 214.240.9198, or P. O. Box 72, Pittsburg TX 75686

The Pittsburg Gazette

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